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School Dance!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is my school dance!!

I am so excited!!

I have been planning it for a while...

Well I am going with Nicole and Faith and we are going to boogie til the lights come on!(they turn on the lights when its over)

I am excited to hear these specific songs:

#1Right round

#2 Just dance

#3Kiss me through the phone



Well I got to get ready to get my boogy sleep.LOL!

Bye Bye Bye

4 shopping bags:

Scrappy Girl said...

I can't wait to see ya in your outfit! Hmmm...I wonder who you are dreaming of dancing with to the song Lucky???!!! I know!

Ada Beth Croft said...

I love school dances they are so much fun! Are you going fancy or casual? Or somewhere in between. All middle school dances are casual but when I get to high school they are fancy sometimes. Bye! -Ada

Dibsy said...

ohhhh woooooow! :O i've never been to a school dance, are you going to post your dress??

Natalie said...

I miss middle school dances, they were so much fun. I hope you had a blast!