This is teh spitting image of how I felt today.....temperature, sick head, and....head & stomach aches!
This sucks..........
But tomorrow hopefully I get better..(its American Idol sooo I have an obligation to suppot my fave with energy....not looking so good at the feeling I have at this moment.)
Im sooo tired of season reruns of American Next Top Models.....I have at least watched every episode of almost every seaon today While I was lazying myself on the Chair of my living room
and going through my DVR.
I need to brighten up and not be so gloom....I need to watch Jeff Dunham!! Yes and while I do so I will be brighter as I watch Peanut and Walter!!......Or maybe I need to read!! Wait bad idea My brain I think just kicked me!!!(OW)
I have th Scrrappin Expo whicj I get to go to Columbus and at the moment Im unaware of whos going with me I know its me My MAmaw and my mom....
I bought Twilight Saturday and watched it Sat. night for the 120000 time and the meadow gets dumber and dumber.
But I got to go watch Secret Life...
4 shopping bags:
You like MY blog? Whoah.
You are like my new best friend! (Just kidding) that is awesome that we are into some of the same things though....anyways.
I am so glad we have the twilight dvd now...we can see Edward whenever we want now!
Aww, I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is definitely not fun at all :P
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about ANTM... wasn't it on last night?
The meadow scene is extremely dumb... they're just laying there. And laying there. And laying there. The more times I see Twilight the more I start to dislike it :P
hola~ thanks for the compliment.. :)
U're a fan of American Idol..?? I'm totally head over heels with David Archuleta *sigh*, he's one sweet guy with a great voice, plus loads of talent.. haha~ XD
have a nice day, n all the best~
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