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This is teh spitting image of how I felt today.....temperature, sick head, and....head & stomach aches!
This sucks..........
But tomorrow hopefully I get better..(its American Idol sooo I have an obligation to suppot my fave with energy....not looking so good at the feeling I have at this moment.)
Im sooo tired of season reruns of American Next Top Models.....I have at least watched every episode of almost every seaon today While I was lazying myself on the Chair of my living room
and going through my DVR.
I need to brighten up and not be so gloom....I need to watch Jeff Dunham!! Yes and while I do so I will be brighter as I watch Peanut and Walter!!......Or maybe I need to read!! Wait bad idea My brain I think just kicked me!!!(OW)
I have th Scrrappin Expo whicj I get to go to Columbus and at the moment Im unaware of whos going with me I know its me My MAmaw and my mom....
I bought Twilight Saturday and watched it Sat. night for the 120000 time and the meadow gets dumber and dumber.
But I got to go watch Secret Life...

4 shopping bags:

emilee said...

You like MY blog? Whoah.
You are like my new best friend! (Just kidding) that is awesome that we are into some of the same things though....anyways.

Scrappy Girl said...

I am so glad we have the twilight dvd now...we can see Edward whenever we want now!

Natalie said...

Aww, I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is definitely not fun at all :P

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about ANTM... wasn't it on last night?

The meadow scene is extremely dumb... they're just laying there. And laying there. And laying there. The more times I see Twilight the more I start to dislike it :P

Ali. Licia. Alicia said...

hola~ thanks for the compliment.. :)
U're a fan of American Idol..?? I'm totally head over heels with David Archuleta *sigh*, he's one sweet guy with a great voice, plus loads of talent.. haha~ XD

have a nice day, n all the best~